RIDING for Masonic Charity

RIDING for Masonic Charity

reprinted from Freemason Magazine, Autumn 2022 edition

More than 164 bikers motored through western Pennsylvania July 17 during the Grand Master’s Charity Ride. The largest fundraiser for the Pennsylvania Widows Sons, this year’s event raised $4,500 for the Masonic Children’s Home and other Masonic Charities, according to Brother Jonathan DeLuca, state Vice President.

Pennsylvania members, as well as members from out-ofstate chapters, participated in a large rally following the ride, which lasted about 1½ hours.

Riders are already looking forward to next year’s event on Aug. 5 in Pittsburgh.

“What a great group of Masons,” R.W. Grand Master Jeff Wonderling said. “It’s the first time I was on a motorcycle in 44 years, and they took good care of me. We rode from Bedford through the countryside to the Flight 93 Memorial. They made a nice donation to the Masonic Widows’ Guild, a charitable arm of the Masonic Outreach Program to ensure Masons’ widows are taken care of. I am truly impressed with the organization.”

For a chapter locator and more information on the Pennsylvania Widows Sons Masonic Riders Association, visit pawidowssons.org.