To us, Mystic isn’t just a fancy word. It means “one who seeks by contemplation and self surrender to obtain UNITY with, or absorption into, the Deity or the absolute, or one who believes in the spiritual apprehension of truths that are beyond intellect.” On that premise, thee Mystic Riders of Johnstown are defined.
We were founded July 9, 2009 by a committed group of founding members from three different Blue Lodges that decided to put Johnstown on the map in the Widows Sons community! They brought this chapter to life and laid the road for us to follow on two wheels. Bro. Bill Huston 33° was our founding president and led the charge for many years, setting the cornerstone and foundation for our fantastic chapter. With Bro. Huston’s discipline and leadership, he taught us the true value of Freemasonry on a motorcycle. The Mystic Riders continue to travel that same road, as Masons first, knowing that we are in the public eye at all times. Our chapter is disciplined and keeps it real with quality over quantity!
Present day, our mission has not changed and we have a solid group of men who all have ownership in the group! Blue Lodge makes good men better. We live that obligation through meaningful interactions and a trust developed by traveling together, in unity. Mystic Riders are an extension of each of other’s families and that’s how we travel! We are committed Masons and Widows Sons who never will forget that the square and compass is on our back for the world to see!
Elected Chapter Officers:
President: MJ “Rocky” Regan
Vice President: Jordan “Rabbi” FreiÂ
Secretary: DC “DC” CarterÂ
Treasurer: Rick “Shortcut” WehnerÂ
Appointed Officers:
Sgt at Arms: Joel “Rook” LeoneÂ
Road Captain: Jason “Hillbilly” PiwowarÂ
Guardian of Membership: Darryl “OBD” HauckÂ
Chapter Contacts
MJ “Rocky” Regan
President, Mystic Riders
Mystic Riders
Chapter Officers

MJ "Rocky" Regan

Jordan “Rabbi” Frei
Vice President

DC “DC” Carter