The Sons of Hiram is the ninth Widows Sons Chapter chartered in the State of PA. We received our charter in the spring of 2012. We are one of the Northern-most chapters in the state with some members living four miles from the NY Border.
Nestled in North Central PA, we span the largest area in the state. SOH can usually be found riding in Tioga and Potter Counties along historic Rt. 6 near the PA Grand Canyon or deeper South in the PA Wilds. We often end up at the famous Perma Stone Inn which has served WS from all over the state and is owned by our Treasurer, Tiger Crawford. Occasionally we venture north of the state line to ride in the beautiful Finger Lakes region.
We are one of the smaller chapters averaging 10 – 12 members, but we are tight knit and represent our area and Blue Lodge well. Most of our members belong to Westfield Lodge No, 477 where we hold our meetings the 3rd Sunday @ 10AM. Our WS members currently serve as Master, Sr. Warden, Jr. Warden, Sr. Deacon and two Past Masters on the sidelines.
Our biggest, longest running fund raiser is our Breakfast With Santa, which supports the local Salvation Army and the Marine Corp Toys for Tots. We have also presented Honor and Remember Flags and sponsored memorial rides for several Gold Star Families. We also make an annual contribution to the Ronald McDonald House in Danville PA, as well as supporting our community in any way we can or individuals as the need arises.
We are always at the ready to host or entertain our traveling WS Brothers and we proudly represent the Widows Sons in our communities.
Elected Chapter Officers:
President: Wayne “Outlaw” Hunter
Vice President: Paul “Tiny” Robinson
Secretary: Greg “Woody” Wood
Treasurer: Tracy “Tiger” Crawford
Appointed Officers:
Sgt at Arms: Tim “Gray Wolf” WolfÂ
Road Captain: Robert “Boats” Spencer
Guardian of Membership: John “Stogie” Brosan

Chapter Contacts
Greg “Woody” Wood
Secretary, Sons of Hiram
Sons of Hiram
Chapter Officers

Wayne "Outlaw" Hunter

Paul "Tiny" Robinson
Vice President

Greg "Woody" Wood
Past President