The Widows Sons is an International Masonic Riders Association comprised of Freemasons. The purpose of founding the Widows Sons is to aid and assist widows and orphans of Master Masons. This is done by forming an Almoners Fund within the Presidents Council to contribute to the aid of Widows, Orphans, and Brothers in our state. No other fund should take precedence over our Almoners Fund. We were founded in 1998 for the sole purpose of aiding and assisting widows. If you are interested in our purpose, please contact us.

While we wear identifying patches or regalia, the Widows Sons are not a gang, MC, or 1% Club. We are required to represent the fraternity in a positive light at all times. The Widows Sons serve as a Masonic Booster Club by helping to raise Masonic Awareness while we attend public motorcycling events, and by supporting our Blue Lodges in whatever capacity we are able. Widows Sons chapters have helped to increase Masonic membership through our presence and visibility during public motorcycle events and rallies.

The Widows Sons: PA Marked & Hewn was founded by Brother Joseph Yontz, Gynn Scott, and Jason Duvall. We currently have members in Adams, York, Franklin, and Cumberland Counties. The home lodge of Mark & Hewn is Cumberland Valley Lodge #315, Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. In 2016 the chapter was moved to the Shippensburg, PA area where it continues to operate and grow.
Chapter Contacts
Rich Kline, PM
President, Marked & Hewn Chapter
Marked & Hewn Chapter Officers

Toby "Squid" Stoner, PM
Member of Mt. Pisgah #443; Past Master

dave "Preacher" Angle, PM
Past Master of Cumberland Valley #315